Online Education

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research. Education is necessary for every one. But some people are there who get success without getting education or getting very low education.Education is one of the major necessity  of Humans.

Online Education
Online Education is a type of educational instruction that is delivered via the internet to students using their home computers. ... The truth is, the education methods and materials provided in online degree programs are often the same as those provided for on-campus programs.In this current situation of this lock down the schools are closed, So online education is the best way to continue the student course.

Online Education in Nepal
Center for education and management published the notice regarding online education learning materials for SEE examiner and other labels about children online library..
You can read this for further info.

Challenges of Online Education

There are 5 common problems faced by students in e Learning classes and which they need to be solved through proper initiatives for the students' future benefits:
Adaptability Struggle. ...
Technical Issues. ...
Computer Literacy. ...
Time management
Lack of Wifi 
Lack of technology
Lack of mobile phones or laptop or computer

My view
My view on online education is good and long but without wasting your time i am gonna say my view. Online Education is a very good solution then carrying big bulky books and etc. But challenges should be solved. If challenges are solved then every one will get equal education. But if its not then we may be in trouble.

Thanks for reading my article plz comment on how good\bad it is....
Online Education Online Education Reviewed by Osish Niraula on 12:45 Rating: 5


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